Committed to Working Together for a Better Education Through Excellence

Almond Tree Lions

Powerful Outcomes in Wellness, Education, & Recreation (POWER) is an after school program that has been recognized for excellence throughout Region 8 (Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Ventura, and Kern Counties). We’ve been invited numerous times to present at conferences across our region and state, and have been highlighted and visited by many different after school entities. We provide safe, effective, innovative, & engaging learning, nutrition, and physical activity programs for DUSD students in grades TK-8.

Check out the available courses
for your school below!

Student registration will be open 9/13/24


Available Courses Starting September 23rd

  • Film Studies

    Do you have an interest in film? Come on over and learn all about films! Students will study the film and recreate their favorite scene using various types of media.

    Grades: 6,7

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


    Instructor: E. Arias

  • Service

    Students will come together to serve our school and community through a variety of activities. Possible activities include: campus beatification, design and create school garden and/or flowerbed, design and create positive messages to post around campus. Students will also be given the opportunity to express their ideas of service and activities.

    Grades: 6,7,8

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


    Instructor: S. Barkley

  • 24-25 Science Fair

    This will be an after school class to help students research, and carry out experiments in order to produce a science fair for the district fair.

    Grades: 6,7,8

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


    Instructor: C. Clowers

  • Sports Clinic

    Volleyball/basketball and variety of other sports leading up to the sports season

    Grades: 6, 7, 8

    Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

    2:45- 3:45

    Instructor: D. Crow

  • G.A.T.E

    If you are a G.A.T.E. student notified by the district that you are gifted and talented student, you are to join this group. We are creating a simulated city to run a city as the mayor or you are creating a business. It is like playing the game of Life and Monopoly. You have to manage pretend money and try to be the person with the most by the end of the program. You will be creating a business, a home, and a business. You will be voting in city officials, taking chances, and answering trivia questions. You will will paint, and develop skills to life.

    Grades: 6,7,8

    Monday, Tuesday

    Instructor: G. Delgado-Hayes

  • Photography

    Students will learn how to take a variety of different pictures, like portraits, scenic photos, action shots, etc. The session will start off with the very basics of using a camera, so this course is suitable for any experience level. As we progress, we will get into more of the complex features and techniques. Pictures that students take may also be submitted into the yearbook for publication.


    Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday


    Instructor: J. Dominguez

  • Digital and Real Poster Design

    Get ready to tap into your creative side to create digital content posters or use art supplies straight onto poster paper.

    Grades: 6,7,8

    Monday, Tuesday


    Instructor: M. Dominguez

  • Lions Sports Clinic

    If you are interested in developing the necessary fundamental skills for a variety of sports then this is the class for you!

    Grades 6, 7, 8

    Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday


    Instructor: R. Gonzalez

  • Arts and Crafts

    In this course students will express their creativity and learn to make custom items for everyday use.

    Grades: 6, 7, 8

    Wednesday, Thursday


    Instructor: M. Guzman

  • Arts and Crafts

    Students will embrace their creativity to create different types of crafts and make art using various material.

    Grades: 7

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


    Instructor: J. Kujala

  • STEM Olympiad

    This course prepares students for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) competitions with a focus on data analysis, math challenges, and hands-on engineering. Join us for an exciting journey into the world of STEM Olympiad, where you'll gain the skills for success in competitions and in the classroom. It's the Olympics of STEM!

    Grades: 6,7,8

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


    Instructor: E. Montoya

  • Gamified Learning

    Discover an engaging learning experience where learning is transformed into an interactive game. Reward progress with points, badges, and challenges that keep you motivated and immersed in the journey of mastery.

    Grades: 7,8

    Monday and Tuesday


    Instructor: D. Ortiz

  • RC Cars

    By building, maintaining, and fine-tuning a remote control car, students exercise their hand-eye coordination, tool using skills, and ability to follow instructions. Sharing the responsibilities for operating an RC car also encourages everyone in the class to work together as a team, which strengthens their social and communication skills.

    Grades: 6,7,8

    Monday and Tuesday


    Instructor: R. Ramirez

  • Lego Fun

    Build challenging Lego Sets to keep your brain working and have fun at the same time. We will build a range of objects (cars, landscapes, monuments, flowers, and much more!).

    Grades: 6,7,8

    Monday, Tuesday


    Instructor: G. Delgado-Hayes

  • Happiness Hangouts

    Happiness Hangouts, where every time we meet, students engage in a different coping skill. This what students can build for their toolkit in self regulation.

    Grades: 6,7,8

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


    Instructor: Y. Ayon


    Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Esports? Join our club and unleash your competitive spirit in two of the most popular games around: Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros! Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just starting out, our club is the perfect place to have fun, make new friends, and level up your gaming skills.

    Grades: 6,7,8

    Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday


    Instructor: M. Pruneda

Questions? Get in touch?

Transportation to another school site for participation in the Expanded Learning Program will be provided for any pupil who attends a school that is not operating an Expanded Learning Opportunity program. (POWER Plus)