Committed to Working Together for a Better Education Through Excellence

About Us

Our Focus: We use POWER as a means to close the opportunity gap by guiding children toward developing skill, competency, and efficacy in an environment that values children, learning, physical activity, and achievement.

How Our Programs Are Different

Powerful Outcomes in Wellness, Education, & Recreation (POWER) is an ASES-funded after school program that has been recognized for excellence throughout Region 8 (Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Ventura, and Kern Counties). We’ve been invited numerous times to present at conferences across our region and state, and have been highlighted and visited by many different after school entities. We provide safe, effective, innovative, & engaging learning, nutrition, and physical activity programs for 1,000+ DUSD students in grades 1-8.

Our Staff

  • Academic & Activity Instructors (AI): 3.75 hr. paraprofessionals working directly with students in a 20:1 ratio.

  • Site Managers (SM): 8 hr. leader tasked with linking the school day with the after school Expanded Learning Program. They also provide critical grant compliance duties related to content, attendance, & enrollment.

  • Program Directors (District Office): Grant compliance, program oversight, professional development, hiring, mandated reports.

  • Principals/VP’s: They are a critical piece to POWER’s success. Their leadership is the driving force that makes POWER so effective & important to our students’ development.